Upravljanje novim medijima, društvenim mrežama i novim tehnologijama

U okviru ovog edukacijskog modula ukazati će se na važnost digitalnih alata sa naglaskom na “kućnu” produkciju, navesti najnužniju opremu i pokazati kako se mogu koristiti danas dostupni digitalni alati otvorenog koda, ta kako nam umjetna inteligencija može pomoći kod brendiranja organizacije i proizvodnje sadržaja. Istražiti će se i važnost digitalizacije komunikacijskih kanala prema korisnicima, posebno mogućnosti ali i opasnosti koje nam donose socijalne mreže. Na kraju ćemo istražiti i ulogu influencera i općenito kako formulirati medijski nastup na internetskim platformama.

About Instructor

Benedikt Perak - Damir Medved

Benedikt Perak, a senior lecturer in philology and linguistics, teaches at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka. The central area of his research interest lies in the implementation and development of digital humanities methods, natural language processing, and information science in the field of social interaction and digital assistant development platforms, as well as advanced communication based on machine learning technologies and artificial intelligence. Damir Medved is the director of EDIH Adrije (European Digital Innovation HUB), whose main goal is to enable small entrepreneurs and local self-government units to speed up the digitization process of their organizations, speed up the innovation process, the opportunity to test ideas and solutions before starting the investment process and other related activities. He has more than 30 years of experience in managing complex projects, and he is one of the initiators of the implementation of the Competence Center for Smart Cities in Rijeka. He is actively participating in a number of civil society associations with a goal to promote and preserve local heritage, ecology and the promotion of new technologies in these areas. In 2017 he was proclaimed a volunteer of the year in the City of Rijeka.

2 Courses

+2284 enrolled
Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate